Embarking on the educational journey at Radnor House Prep School in Years 5 and 6 signifies a deliberate commitment to prioritise children’s holistic development and well- being. Liberated from exam-centric constraints our curriculum flourishes, providing children the freedom to explore, create, and cultivate values that extend far beyond the confines of the classroom.
At Radnor House, we recognise the importance of fostering well-rounded individuals who not only excel academically but also develop critical life skills and a love for learning. Seize the opportunity to be an integral part of this transformative journey. Whether you opt for a private tour or choose to attend an upcoming Open Day, you’ll witness first-hand the educational experience that goes beyond traditional boundaries, preparing students for a future where adaptability, critical thinking, and a passion for lifelong learning are paramount. Join us and become a part of a community that values each child’s unique journey and empowers them to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.