About Us

Welcome to Radnor House Prep School

We are very excited to announce the opening of Radnor House Prep School, a new co-educational prep school, currently based in Richmond.

The school opens in September 2023 to pupils aged 2-11 years old. We offer a broad and exciting curriculum that instills a lifelong love of learning in young minds with a focus on fostering the individual abilities of each pupil and providing a strong foundation for them to develop the character, resilience, and life skills to succeed in the modern world.

The school’s permanent home is the excellent riverside site of Pope’s Villa, which currently houses Radnor House Senior School (soon to be Kneller Hall School). With spacious premises and exceptional facilities, Radnor Prep will be the best-equipped preparatory school in southwest London. Pope’s Villa offers a wealth of fantastic academic and co-curricular opportunities with a focus on STEAM skills in dedicated, cutting-edge specialist spaces and a modern learning resource centre. And with a large gym, theatre space, music practice rooms, and performance spaces, there is plenty of opportunity for pupils to fuel their creativity. There is a full range of sports, including soccer, rugby, athletics, and cricket using the splendid facilities at St Mary’s University.

To ensure a smooth transition for both Kneller Hall and Radnor Prep students, current Radnor House senior pupils from Year 7 – Year 13 remain at Pope’s Villa while building works begin at Kneller Hall. We are delighted that modern buildings at 41 Kew Foot Rd, Richmond (next to Richmond Rugby Club) are Radnor Prep’s temporary home during this transition period.

Our Kew Foot Road premises feature two superb STEAM spaces, a science lab, rooms for music, and drama and, now much closer, plenty of space for PE and Games for all, including competitive sports fixtures at Richmond Rugby Club. There is a lovely spacious playground, access to a swimming pool, school hall, and library. The brand-new STEAM rooms are fully equipped for a combination of traditional practical skills alongside the more focused product design. Exciting projects such as the Dyson Award, Formula One design, drone coding and building, motorized race-ready boats, and stop-motion animation all form part of our new and exciting STEAM curriculum.

We have an exceptional teaching team, all of whom are really excited about designing and implementing a new and stimulating creative curriculum. We also have specialist teachers on board for Science, History, STEAM, French, PE and Games, Music, Geography, and Drama. Each pupil has their own iPad and is taught to use these as an additional tool to extend and expand their knowledge and skills, fully embedded in the teaching and learning.

Our mission statement:

How can you soar, if you haven’t stumbled? How can you know the way, if you haven’t explored every turn? How can you be bold, if you’ve never felt nervous? How can you know what you want, if you haven’t discovered what you don’t? How can you enjoy the win, if you don’t know how it feels to lose? How do you know the answer, if you don’t understand the question? We champion our children to be ambitious and inquisitive. To try new things and be unafraid to fail. Challenge structures and norms. Uncover what their best is, not someone elses. Experiment and change their minds. Balance different passions and ways of learning. Embrace change and the unknown. Discover who they are not who they want to be. Because Radnor House Prep is a place where curious minds can explore. 

“The very best results come from a broad base, an interesting and challenging curriculum, and a strong and supportive network of parents, pupils and school.” Stephanie Piper, Head

Our outstanding provision will ensure either direct, non-examined entry to one of the excellent local Dukes senior schools, Kneller Hall or Hampton Court House, or provide excellent preparation for competitive 11+ examinations to other senior schools.

We will maintain the ethos of the current senior school; the firm belief that all pupils are capable of great things if effectively taught, motivated and inspired by their school environment. It will deliver an education based on encouragement rather than pressure which is central to the school’s ethos that the very best results come from a broad base, an interesting and challenging curriculum, and a strong and supportive network of parents, pupils and school.

Radnor House Senior will move to Kneller Hall in September 2024

The school will combine the best of traditional, personalised, teaching skills with a forward-thinking, creative curriculum that will use innovative, modern technology to inspire a love of learning in young minds. There will be an emphasis on STEM learning with specialist teaching areas and resources and a focus on future skills to prepare young pupils for an ever-changing world.

Wellbeing and pastoral care will be paramount, with the knowledge that building resilience in children, teaching them to confidently take risks and learn from their mistakes, are an integral part of a modern education. At Radnor Prep, each child will have a sense of belonging and security in a community where the welfare of each child is at the very heart of the school.

We invite you to visit us at one of our upcoming open days  at the school, or contact our Admissions team to enquire about a place.

Address (Current)

Radnor House Prep School

Radnor House Prep School
41 Kew Foot Rd

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Address (Future)

Radnor House Prep School

Radnor House Prep School
Pope’s Villa
Cross Deep
Middlesex TW1 4QG

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Registered office address
58 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6AJ

Developed by Innermedia

Places still available for September 2024

We still have places available for Reception through to Year 6 for 2024. Send us an enquiry today and one of our lovely admissions colleagues will be delighted to get in touch to answer any of your questions.

Send us an enquiry today